Why is clean water so important to teachers in South Sudan?

James Dut Garang Deng.jpg

Last year, the GEMS Development Foundation installed a well in Majok Goi, South Sudan. We caught up with school teacher James Dut Garang Deng to ask him why clean water is so important to him.

What is your name?

My name is James Dut Garang Deng. I am 35 years old and married with one wife and 4 children!

What is your job? How long have you been in your job?

My job is teaching in School and I’m a teacher by professional and I have been teaching for 7 years and that is where I’m still pushing with my job! 

How does having local access to clean water impact your students?

Having Clean water is very important and access of students to Clean water is  great impact to school as many diseases are found in dirty water which can cause the out break disease like cholera and typhoid since these two diseases are related to unclean water! 

Do you believe you will be able to increase enrollment with more water wells?  Why?

Yes, that is true. Availability of Clean water in school and close access to water will play very great role which will increase the enrollment of many students in school here! Why because the students will be found the water near to school! 

Do you believe you will be able to extend the education school year with more water wells?  Why?

Yes, I do believe the extension is very possible with wells that we are having close to school and more available of Clean water also open many doors for the education to have more children in that year! Why because of water available! 

Do you believe the impact of local clean water access will impact access to education for the young boys? Why?

Yes, this is great possible in fact most of parents and guardians like Clean water to be available in school for drinking and others purposes to school students! 

Do you believe the impact of local clean water access will impact access to education for the girls? Why?

Of course, availability of Clean water for school alone will improve the hygiene of school and also for drinking in the school! In fact the most people who often use the water are girls compare to the boys! 

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Health Crisis in South Sudan


Why is clean water so important to chiefs in South Sudan?