Sorghum Distribution Program Brings Hunger Relief
With emergency food donations and a grant from LDS Charities, GEMS Development foundation has implemented a sorghum distribution program to combat hunger and malnutrition in South Sudan.
A mother holds her newborn as she waits for sorghum at a GEMS food distribution event in Aweil, South Sudan.
Catastrophic flooding and rising food costs created a desperate hunger crisis in South Sudan in late 2022. GEMS Development Foundation has implemented monthly food distributions to help alleviate suffering from malnutrition and starvation for the most vulnerable in South Sudan including pregnant and nursing mothers, those with physical disabilities, and the elderly.
Elderly woman in Majak Goi, South Sudan gather to receive sorghum from GEMS Development Foundation.
Working with village leadership, GEMS field director Luka Kenyang has identified and registered hundreds of vulnerable members of the community in the monthly food distribution program. These families receive 10 Malwa (40 kg) of sorghum each month to supplement their diets. Sorghum provides important plant-based protein, fiber and caloric intake.

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